Welcome to my new blog, where I’ll shine a spotlight on my senior clients!
Today we are highlighting a graduating biology student who is an active member of the ZTA sorority at UT Tyler.
Meet Autumn, a hard working and sweet soon-to-be graduate from UT Tyler. She is set to graduate in December with a bachelors of science in biology. Beyond academics, Autumn has been an active member of the ZTA sorority, where she has formed lifelong friendships and made a positive impact within her community.
We took photos at all the iconic spots on campus: the Cowan Center Fountain, Harvey Lake, the Alumni House, and the Soules College of Business Building.
In the midst of the whirlwind that is senior year, where schedules overflow and commitments pile high, Autumn chose to take a moment, soak it all in, and celebrate all she has accomplished! (with a confetti pop to prove it). She is beautiful inside and out and the future is so bright for her! I can’t wait to see what she does next.

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